JCQ Information for candidates (General Regulations for Approved Centres, section 5.8 & Instructions for conducting examinations, Introduction)
- This information must be distributed to all candidates prior to assessments and/or examinations taking place
- This information may be distributed electronically or in hard copy format or placed on the centre’s website with the respective link e-mailed to candidates with an appropriately worded message
- The dissemination of this information should be followed up by a briefing session or assembly led by a senior member of staff to reinforce what candidates must/must not do
Exam room posters (General Regulations for Approved Centres, section 5.8 & Instructions for conducting examinations, section 11.24)
- Candidates must be made aware of the contents of these posters prior to assessments and/or examinations taking place
- The posters must be displayed in a prominent place for all candidates to see prior to entering the examination room
Written complaints policy and internal appeals procedures (General Regulations for Approved Centres, section 5.8)
- This policy must be drawn to the attention of candidates and parents/carers
Written internal appeals procedure (General Regulations for Approved Centres, sections 5.3, 5.7 & 5.13)
- This procedure must be brought to the attention of candidates and parents/carers
- This procedure must be made widely available and accessible to all candidates
- This procedure may be placed on the centre’s website or alternatively may be made available to candidates upon request
Written contingency plan (General Regulations for Approved Centres, section 5.3 & Instructions for conducting examinations, section 15)
- Ensure that relevant centre staff are familiar with the contingency plan
- Consideration should be given as to how these contingency arrangements will be communicated to candidates, parents and staff should disruption occur
Notice to centres: The people present in the examination room (Instructions for conducting examinations, section 17 & Appendix 8)
- This notice must be brought to attention of centre staff other than exams officers and invigilators
- All members of centre staff must be aware of this notice so that they are clear about their role in the examination room
- The Exams Office recommends that this notice is disseminated to Senior Leaders, Heads of Departments and displayed in the staff room/rooms
Written procedures for dealing with candidates' requests for post-results services (General Regulations for Approved Centres, section 5.13)
- Details of the procedures must be made widely available and accessible to all candidates
- Candidates must be made aware of the arrangements for post-results services prior to the issue of results
Availability of senior members of centre staff immediately after the publication of results (General Regulations for Approved Centres, section 5.13 & Post-Results Services, section 4.1)
- Senior members of centre staff must be accessible to candidates so that results may be discussed and decisions made on the submission of reviews of marking
- Candidates must be informed of the periods during which centre staff will be available so that they may plan accordingly
Post-results process, including the published deadlines for clerical re-checks, reviews of marking and reviews of moderation (Post-Results Services, section 4.1)
- Relevant centre staff must be made fully aware of the various post-results services offered by the awarding bodies
- Relevant centre staff must be made fully aware of the internal processes for requesting post-results services