f an exams officer has been appointed who has no previous experience of the exams officer role, they will need significant support from their senior leadership team/line manager and a structured induction programme
Below are five areas which a senior leader/line manager should focus upon when considering support for their new to role exams officer
1. The Exams Office
If your centre is not a member of The Exams Office, you should consider acquiring a membership and utilising the wide range of support materials for new exams officers which includes:
2. Training
Enrol your exams officer onto the following training events which are specifically designed for new exams officers:
If you have a centre membership to The Exams Office, you should ensure that your exams officer attends one of the National Exams Officer Conferences.
Your exams officer should engage with the free to access training offered by the awarding bodies which includes:
- One Cambridge Nationals admin essentials event (as a minimum)
- One full year of Cambridge Technical admin essentials event (each session is broken down into topics and categories, exams officers need to attend all 7-8 sessions for a comprehensive understanding of Cambridge Technicals)
- New/inexperienced exams officer check-in events (these run from February to April), where new exams officers have the opportunity to discuss the practicalities of running a summer exam series with OCR Customer Support Managers and experienced exams officers who are currently in role
- All Online Exams Officer Updates (half termly, online)
- Managing results for General Qualifications/Cambridge Nationals and/or Cambridge Technicals sessions (July and August)
- Attend, at least, one OCR exams officer network (where possible)
- Pearson
- Complete the five modules within the Exams Officer Learning Path
- WJEC / Eduqas
A new to role exams officer will also require training in your centre's management information system.
Please note that your exams officer should only be attending training events which are delivered or approved by the awarding bodies, NAEO or The Exams Office.
3. Regular meetings
A new to role exams officer will require a programme of regular meetings with their senior leader/line manager to ensure that they are clear of what is expected of them and to guide them through the exam cycle.
The NAEO suggests that meetings are held, at the very least, on a monthly basis with agendas based upon the tasks and deadlines associated with the exam cycle. Meetings should also focus upon target setting, performance management and the appraisal process within your centre.
Meeting agendas can be found here.
4. Appraisal/Performance Management
It is imperative that a new to role exams officer has access to your centre’s annual appraisal process and a performance management programme.
The NAEO encourages all exams officers to complete the Exams Officer Professional Standards as part of their annual performance management.
More information on appraisals and performance management can be found here.
5. Networking
The NAEO encourages all new to role exams officers to join their local network group to acquire additional support.
By attending a local face-to-face network meeting, your exams officer will meet fellow exams officers and exchange useful advice and guidance.
Visit the OCR website to locate your local network group across England.
6. Task Completion Checklist
New exams officer induction: Task completion checklist
Task completion checklist template
This checklist has been produced to provide guidance for senior leaders over the main tasks which a new exams officer should undertake in their initial weeks/months in post. The checklist should be used in meetings to highlight which tasks need to be completed with clear deadlines, and to confirm that these tasks have been completed successfully.
The checklist is divided into tasks which should be completed during the:
- First month/six weeks in post (October half term if starting the role at the start of an academic year)
- First three months in post (by the end of the autumn term if starting at the start of an academic year)
Please note that the centre-specific tasks will need to be added to this checklist.